re-review: Special K -- Pumpkin Spice

 New box design, new review.

It's actually been a few years since I've had this one. Let's start with the sniff test: ok, cinnamon...sugar...wait, is that allspice? On the back of the box it says cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg and ginger. Yeah, I think I'm getting some ginger...

Taste: ah, it's the little yogurt balls throwing me off. I forgot about those. Those just taste like straight sugar. Or it could be a bit of a coating on the flakes that all those spices are adhering to. Hold on, I'm reading the website. The spices are in the clusters? Or are they just cinnamon clusters? Ok, now I'm confused. But it does seem like they've upped the spices, I'll give them that.

(And here's my original review. Looks like I'm still confused! 😆)


P.S. New cereals spotted already: mini-versions of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Reese's Puffs, and Trix.


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