re-review: Cinnabon cereal

 Still cinnamon-ing them.

Conveniently returning right on the heels of Cinnamon Toast Crunch Rolls, will Cinnabon cereal be anything like what I remember? Let's find out. 

First off, that's a new box. I think it's in line with current Cinnabon design. The old box was a deep blue. The opened bag still had that trademark Cinnabon scent--you know it when you smell it. You probably can't recreate it without permission. The texture is somehow chewy and crispy, like there's rice involved. Ah, corn meal is the first ingredient. That explains it. There's also oat and wheat flour. No rice. But when you look at how pale it is you can see why I would think that.

The taste is a little heavy on the sugar for me, like they were trying to capture every element of a Cinnabon roll, right down to too much icing 😄 Whereas the Cinnamon Toast Rolls are just in-your-face cinnamon. A different take on cinnamon, but cinnamon nonetheless.

Also, note the size difference:

I don't remember the Cinnabon pieces being that big, but okay. Let me check out my original review. So it does seem to be a product revamp. I guess that's the way to go when bringing back a discontinued cereal? At any rate, just based on flavor alone, I have to say I prefer the Cinnamon Toast Crunch Rolls.


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