review: *limited edition* Gingerbread Toast Crunch

 I wrote this review back in November and totally forgot about it. Oops! 😁

That doesn't mean I didn't like it, though. I just get busy during the holiday season. Anyway, you know I'll try just about anything Toast Crunch-ed. I'm hoping they figure out chai flavors next.

But let's get to this one. I tasted one dry piece and couldn't get the ginger flavor. I tried again and still wasn't tasting it. It wasn't as sweet as original Cinnamon Toast Crunch but I was still having a hard time sussing out the flavor.

It wasn't until I polished off the leftover milk that my brain and taste buds finally made the connection: 'ohhh...gingerbread.' Don't go into this like I did, thinking ginger or ginger snaps, or even gingerbread men or giant slabs of gingerbread to make a house. No, it's reminiscent of classic gingerbread, which I haven't had in years, but that's it, that's the flavor. And as such, I'd say it was successful.


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