review: Frosted Bran

 Whoops, I skipped right over this review 😅

Seriously, I wrote this back in May and totally forgot about it. Not that that makes it a forgettable cereal. These things happen...

Anyway, I bought this along with Kellogg's Complete Bran when they first came out last Spring, so you're kind of getting a two-fer review. The whole package basically consists of those scrappy little bottom of the box flakes, which was a bit of a letdown. Also surprising: the flakes were sweet but not heavily coated--I was expecting the bran version of Frosted Flakes, but also glad it wasn't that. Still, I won't be adding raisins to this; it's enough sugar for me. 

And while I'm at it, since when has Kellogg's been mixing wheat with rice in their bran flakes? Is it a cost-saving measure? A textural improvement? I should really compare it to other bran flakes...


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