review: *new* Kashi -- Cinnamon French Toast (plus a bonus review!)

When I first saw this on store shelves, I thought heh, somebody decided to mash up Cinnamon Toast Crunch with French Toast Crunch. As it turns out, not really. Smart name, though.

As per the front of the box, "crispy cinnamon puffs with a hint of maple syrup." They aren't kidding about the puffs. They were way puffier than I expected. If you've ever had Puffins, these are even puffier. When I saw how big these puffs were, I expected them to be hollow in the center. Nope. It's all cereal. They have a bit of that weird gritty/graininess that irks me sometimes; I think it's the corn bran (and maybe the red lentil flour? I did not know such a product existed).

As for the hint of maple syrup? It's more of a suggestion. Just enough to make you think, this cinnamon tastes a So it's not bad, just not what I was expecting.

Bonus mini-review: *new*(-ish) Lucky Charms Frosted Flakes

I didn't want to count this as a full review since I'm not going to eat a full bowl of it. My marshmallow cereal years ended a long time ago. But it was in the house, so I sampled it. I really wanted to compare General Mills' take on Frosted Flakes to Kellogg's. The flavor is basically the same but the flakes are just a bit thicker and crunchier. The average Frosted Flakes eater probably wouldn't even notice.

This also made me think, didn't Kellogg's make a Frosted Flakes with marshmallows? Yes, they did. I thought I was remembering correctly. The marshmallows were plain white, though. I guess General Mills decided they could top that.


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