review: Apple Cinnamon Chex

Ask and I shall receive, in a way...?

Oh, and, I'm back. I totally forgot to mention I'd be out of town for a few days. Then I was too tired to update Tuesday, which brings me to having something to write about today: I had Apple Cinnamon Chex this morning. When I opened the bag the scent hit me immediately. Definitely apple cinnamon. That's a check (no pun intended) in the plus column. Then came the tasting. Wait a minute, I thought, that's not corn. I expected it to be corn or a corn/something else mix like Honey Nut Chex. But it's actually a rice cereal. Which makes sense when you think about it--otherwise, why would you need Cinnamon and Apple Cinnamon Chex?

So the combination of apples, cinnamon, and rice worked successfully for my taste buds. That was a relief (I'm sure I've mentioned before that I can't stand Apple Cinnamon Cheerios. Some things just don't work with oats for me). One nitpick: most of the apple cinnamon flavor came off in the milk. Luckily I chose to mix it with that Cinnamon Life I'm still trying to finish from my brother's last visit. So eat this one fast and don't drown it in milk.

**In other news, Fall is just around the corner, so you know what that means: seasonal breakfast breads! This year Pepperidge Farm has Caramel Apple along with the usual Pumpkin Spice. I also had to try the Caramel Apple today. It pretty much tastes like the Cinnamon Raisin, but with apples--not that there's anything wrong with that. It's still a little early for pumpkin. Maybe by the end of the month.


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