the Fall Preview entry

I'll confess: I spent my allotted food topic research time discovering Goodreads, which was a total timesuck. Seriously, I can probably only go there once a week. So I came up with this instead: what to look forward to this fall.

--by my count I have about six cereals left that I eat regularly. My sister will be coming home soon so I'm hoping between the three of us we can tackle one of those giant Good Morenings cereals.

--then I'll have to move on to granolas, which I've mentioned in passing but never formally reviewed

--I'm also looking to experiment with hot cereal flavorings and cold cereal recreations

--more baking and recipes

--and I'm really hoping by the end of the year to be able to go back and update with pictures. I'm not stupid; I know food blogs need pictures.


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