a week of breakfasts

All right, so here we go. The dining hall had a couple of different areas: in the front were the drinks, about six different canisters of cereal, and an array of bread products by the toaster. In the back (the "kitchen" area) were the hot breakfast (eggs/potatoes/meats etc.) and cold breakfast sections (assorted fruits/cottage cheese/yogurt). Every day they also set out a tray with apples and ripe bananas. I chose to forego yogurt for the week, not knowing the type or brand. That was probably the one thing I missed the most.

So the first day I was really too nervous to eat; I barely touched my raisin bran and juice. Thankfully, in addition to the milk dispensers, they had a tiny fridge with little Lactaid cartons--and soy milk, in case you were wondering. I also had raisin bran Wednesday and Friday, in a effort to keep things...running like clockwork, shall we say. Tuesday I opted for my weekly banana with a bowl of Rice Chex. I think I'll write a quick review of that next time.

Upon returning my tray Wednesday I noticed where someone hadn't finished their french toast or bowl of blueberries, so that inspired me for Thursday. Then, on that particular morning, I was distracted by the fresh pineapple chunks instead. So I had that with two slices of French toast. I almost finished it, too, which was weird for me considering I can barely finish two slices of French toast on their own at home. Then again, I probably needed to refuel after exhausting myself (but totally worth it!) on Wednesday.

On Friday I finally figured out the toaster, so I had raisin bread with my bran. And the last Lactaid--they had to go in the back to get it for me--so I knew my only option Saturday was a hot breakfast. I had a large plate of scrambled eggs with wheat toast and jelly and thought about but ultimately passed on the potatoes. I'd wanted a bowl of blueberries to dump on the toast and eat like a sandwich but they had orange slices that morning instead so I went back to the pineapple chunks.

And that was my week of breakfasts. I tried to eat enough to set the right tone for the day because I never knew how busy I was going to be--I think that's a good notion to live by anyway.


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