banana bread PLUS

I know it's been a week but I've really swamped with conference prep and haven't had the time to research blog topics. I should have granola and cereal reviews up in the next week but until then here's more breakfast: banana-blueberry buttermilk bread.

This was one of those recipes that I just happened to come across while looking for something else, so I decided to hold on to it until the next time we had buttermilk pancakes so I could use the leftover buttermilk and blueberries. Worked out perfectly. I even timed my banana purchase just right so they were just the right amount of spotted and ready for baking.

As for the finished product, well, you can't really go wrong with banana bread. I might have used a little too much banana and also didn't cook it long it enough, so I got that almost-gooey center. I think next time after 50 min. I'll turn the oven down to 350 and let it go ten more minutes without totally burning the outside.


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