(hot cereal) review: *new* Special K Nourish -- maple brown sugar crunch

It's crazy how the temperatures aren't even going to be that low this week but it was still suitable weather for hot cereal this morning. Special K Nourish hot cereal is actually multigrains: oats, barley, wheat, and quinoa (which I didn't even notice, taste- or texture-wise). They come in packs of two and someone (ahem) just had to mention: "You know you're paying for the packaging." I couldn't think of a snappy comeback at the time, so I'll just say to you readers: I'm taking one for the team. This way I can say "Don't waste your money," or "Wait 'til it goes on sale."

Anyway, what I liked first of all was that the nuts were packaged separately, unlike in Quaker Real Medleys. Maybe the consumer is allergic to almonds (I believe they were almonds) or, like me, wasn't in the mood for nuts. I also wasn't in the mood to prep according to the "preferred method" so I went with the microwave option. It was okay. I wasn't sure how long to heat it because my microwave is pretty hot. The grains did get cooked but didn't hold their heat long enough for me. So next time I'll be sure to try adding hot water instead.

Also, it doesn't make a lot. If this is the only thing you're eating for breakfast you will definitely need a mid-morning snack. Of course, Special K makes plenty of those.

As for the flavor, I got a real strong molasses-y/dark brown sugar imprint. Also a little bit of nuttiness--I suppose from the multigrains--came through. It would complement the almonds very nicely if you do add them.

Overall, I'm going to go with "just okay; not great" but I'll see if cooking it via the preferred method changes my mind at all.


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