review: Cinnamon Harvest

I had purposely saved this Kashi equivalent to Mini-Wheats to compare flavors but I hadn't intended to open it today. This morning I went to pour a bowl of Cinnamon Roll Mini-Wheats Little Bites thinking I had plenty left but it was not to be. It seems somebody somewhere crushed the plastic liner because there was a ridiculous amount of powdery crumbs in the bottom of the bag. Seriously, the contents of that cereal box should not have settled that much. So that was disappointing. But then I figured I might as well open the Cinnamon Harvest and see what was going on in there.

I tasted a biscuit (I'm assuming they also use that terminology) not expecting much flavor, and it isn't overwhelming like the Mini-Wheats but it's just fine the way it is. It takes a moment to hit you, but when it does the flavor is more reminiscent of Cinnamon Life. It's refreshing to pull it back for breakfast every now and then, you know?


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