wingin' it

(unintentional chicken-related pun, there)

So I had leftover bits from a soft taco dinner kit, didn't want it to go to waste, and didn't necessarily want dinner again. Why not turn it into breakfast? I had tried this once before, this recreation of a breakfast burrito, and it didn't go so well, but it was edible and I was hungry. This time around I made some key adjustments.

1. You can't actually make a breakfast burrito with soft taco-sized tortillas. Especially when some come out of the package smaller than others. My first correction was to split my eggs between two tortillas.

1a. Oh, yeah, I used two eggs. I didn't think one would be filling enough.

2. Last time I didn't have any kind of spice. This time I squeezed on some leftover taco sauce and reheated the tortillas in the microwave.

3. If you have a sausage you like, you should probably try it here. Cooked first, of course. I just used deli ham.

4. I always have a 4-cheese Mexican blend on hand. I like it on salads or in omelet(te)s. Here I just sprinkled it on top and it melted from the heat of my scrambled eggs-and-ham.

If I'd had some red pepper in the fridge I would've used that, too, but the result of my experiment still came out much closer flavor-wise to a fast-food breakfast burrito.


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