caring is cakey

You may recall the pound cake I made for my dad last year. Three weeks later the topic came up in conversation and my mother had completely forgotten about it. I mean completely. Now, I've gotten used to my mom not remembering things like she used to, but this one stung for some reason. Maybe because I liked it so much. So it was in the back of my mind to try it again.

Now my mom's birthday comes around, and I haven't found any other recipe to inspire me, so I decide to make this cake again but the double-chocolate variation this time (it's there in the body of the recipe). And now she can't stop raving about it. One of the best cakes I've ever made for her, she says. She even got teary over it, because of my thoughtfulness. That was surprising. Actually, read this whole paragraph in a surprised tone. Because it was that surprising.

I'll be honest, though. I think it turned out even better than the first one. It's more moist--never unwanted in a pound cake. It's just chocolatey enough--I was worried about this because of the two chocolates, neither of which had I worked with before. The only thing I didn't do quite right was swirl it enough. Next time (I'm sure there'll be a next time) I'll probably swirl it as I go along, instead of at the very end.


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