any flavor wins

I'm getting out of order with my blog entries (not that you'd know the difference) but when I saw the cover of this month's Relish I knew I had to make these Easy Cream Cheese Danish. You may ask, cream cheese? Really? Yes, really. I can eat it baked--even baked a scant fifteen minutes. And I already had peach-mango preserves in the fridge, so, why not? My mother didn't believe you could use any flavor of preserves: "Strawberry?" Yes, any. "Apricot?" Yes, the recipe says any flavor.

Two recipe notes: I cut the recipe in half since you're basically eating two crescent rolls at a time. It would also be easy to double this for a crowd (hopefully a crowd with helpful hands). And don't skip the brown sugar step (although I eyeballed the amount--a tablespoon was too much per portion for my taste). That's what elevates this from cream cheese and crescent rolls to Danish.


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