oh, snap! guess what I sauteed

Long story short: the oven broke. The oven is broken and there goes the weekly meal plan out the window. Okay, lucky for us, it only affected one day--yesterday. So I started thinking about other proteins and remembered, hey, can't you slice up a pork tenderloin and cook it on top of the stove? Yes, you can, so we tried this: Sauteed Pork Medallions with Lemon-Garlic Sauce. It was pretty simple, we already had most of the ingredients (just needed the pork!) and...I can't think of a third thing. The finished meat was sooo tender, though. I just had a sandwich with some of the leftovers. And the good thing about cooking the sauce after the meat--besides scraping up all the browned bits, of course--was that you weren't forced to eat a lot of lemon juice and garlic if you didn't want to. I'll be combing my recipes for more pork tenderloin recipes now.

In other news, Xmas cereals are really a thing this year. There's Christmas Crunch, a Christmas-y Cap'n Crunch; Sugar Cookie Toast Crunch, a Cinnamon Toast Crunch variant, obviously; and Holiday Sprinkles Cookie Crisp. I bought the latter two and stashed them for Xmas week (unless my brother wants them the minute his vacation starts) and if my dad buys Christmas Crunch--I wouldn't put it past him--I'll at least taste it.


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