review: *seasonal* Sugar Cookie Toast Crunch

We interrupt the holiday recipes (seriously, so many new recipes!) to bring you an actual cereal review. I finally opened the Sugar Cookie Toast Crunch this morning. It looks like they took Cinnamon Toast Crunch but instead of coating it in cinnamon and sugar they ran it through the Frosted Cheerios line.

If you're looking for a cereal that tastes like cookies, you'd be better off with Holiday Sprinkles Cookie Crisp. Now that's like eating a bowl of sugar cookies. I'm not complaining about the Sugar Cookie Toast, though; you know super-sweet cereal does nothing for me anymore. I'm glad it's not as sweet as I feared because goodness knows I've eaten enough actual sugar cookies this week.

My point is that I won't have to worry about wasting this one. I mixed it with honey nut Oatmeal Squares and blueberries, which gave it an almost blueberry muffin-like feel. Hey, did you know blueberries (at least the formerly-frozen kind) turn your milk blue? I did not.


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