breakfast variations

I've made biscuits before, but they've always been your typical soft, fluffy biscuits (just off the top of my head: classic Baking Powder BiscuitsYogurt BiscuitsSouthern Biscuits). But no flaky biscuits, because I've never liked peeling those layers in the cooked canned version. On the other hand, I'll give a Cooking Light recipe a try: Flaky Buttermilk Biscuits. I never really thought about how you accomplish those flaky layers; it turns out that it involves multiple folds. It works, though; if you cut them perfectly round--which I did for maybe half of them--they get a nice height and you can see several layers separating. Perfect for splitting and covering with whatever fruit spread you have on hand. That little bit of honey is a nice touch, too, but you absolutely must use parchment paper. Unless you really enjoy scouring cookie sheets.

Also, yesterday I finally tried the last suggestion on the Cream of Wheat box: fresh fruit. Well, thawed-from-frozen strawberries. Close enough. was okay. I didn't have an immediate dislike to it like blueberries in oatmeal. I ate it, but I really wanted more strawberry flavor. Maybe just a touch of strawberry Polaner next time.


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