review: *new* Cheerios + Ancient Grains

The first time I had this last week I didn't really get enough to form an opinion so I had to wait 'til now for a full bowl's thoughts. Basically: it's pretty good. The ratio of Cheerios to grains isn't overwhelming to either side. It has a maple flavor that I sniffed out immediately but didn't taste as much--a good thing, since you know I like my sweetened cereal on the subtle side. The back of the box helpfully points out what's what: spelt is the one that reminds me of Honey Smacks, and when you account for the maple flavor both the spelt and the Kamut taste like the Honey Smacks/Golden Crisp family, too. The quinoa is cooked into a granola cluster, which is a good idea. I could see it being intimidating or off-putting to people who've never had it before; as a bonus, you have three different textures going on in this cereal.

I hope this one sticks around for while; there's only so much you can do to update Cheerios.


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