a long yogurt voyage

Two weeks ago I woke up early one morning and realized what I should give up for Lent: flavored yogurt. I was so excited I couldn't get back to sleep. I know, food nerd. And the kind I eat doesn't even have that much sugar but still, I like to challenge myself. I combed my recipe files for ideas and also searched online and I decided to start with this one: Orange Yogurt.

Now I've learned that I can't really eat a whole tub of yogurt. I'm better off buying and combining singles to make half of a recipe. Also, I can tell the difference between orange-flavored yogurt and what I made, which tasted like a real orange (of course) and wasn't as sweet. Instead of following the thickening instructions I just bought Greek yogurt, which I guess wasn't readily available when this recipe was originally written. I also didn't add the raisins because I didn't want them sitting in there all week; I just added some to each serving.

I'm sure now that I'll be able to follow through this; I've never thrown in the towel during Lent before. I have some interesting suggestions and sometimes I'll just add frozen (thawed) fruit to plain or vanilla yogurt. Easier than I thought.


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