cookie bookends

This one is going to be tricky to review because they're gone already. Seriously. I made these Super-Soft Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip cookies on Monday thinking my brother would take some home with him but he stayed longer than I thought--just long enough to eat them all. I'm barely kidding. I got three.

So what did I think of them? Well, I learned that "soft" and "chewy" are two different things. I was expecting something like those old Soft-Baked cookies I used to eat as a kid--you know, the ones in the red bag? Maybe they were called Soft Batch? I should look that up later. As for these cookies, yes, they were soft. And huge. And not as peanut butter-y as you might think. That could be a positive or a negative for you. It was more the chocolate chips that I wasn't super crazy about but you know how I feel about chocolate. I encourage you to try them anyway.


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