review: *new*(ish) Honey Bunches of Oats -- Apples and Cinnamon Bunches

I wasn't giving this my full attention the day I opened it so the contents took me by surprise as I was pouring: hey, this smells like apples and cinnamon. So that was a good sign. I tasted a flake first; it had some cinnamon flavor with a hint of apple coming behind, probably just from being in the box with the apples. Then I tasted an actual piece of apple. It was surprisingly crispy. I was expecting something more chewy, like in a bag of dried apples, but this was better. They were a nice size, too--even larger than the flakes. I didn't realize until afterward that I'd forgotten to taste a cinnamon bunch first. It's not necessary, though. This cereal made enough of an impression without that step. I definitely recommend this one.

And now an odd announcement (for me, anyway): the other day it dawned on me that I need to take a break. Not from the blog altogether but from trying new cereals. I'm just really craving familiar flavors right now. I have two more reviews in the pipeline (possibly three; I can't help it when something I want is on sale) and then I'm taking off the rest of the month. I'll still review recipes and new granolas--again, can't help myself--but no more new cereals for a month. Month-ish. We'll see.


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