cookies for mid-summer

There's a chance I could be going out of town this week, so you know I like to be prepared with my travel cookies. This past weekend I decided to try these Cranberry Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies because they call for Smart Balance, which I've never tried for baking. If you like the thin, crispy, spread-wide kind of chocolate chip cookie then this recipe might be for you. If you like the buttery taste of a classic chocolate chip cookie then this might not be the recipe for you.

Smart Balance gives these cookies a funny, I don't want to say aftertaste, but a during taste. I can't quite put my finger on it. It's almost nutty but not quite--more like it intensifies the toasted oat flavor. It was odd at first but I got used to it. The chocolate chips helped (when don't they?). Now I know when a recipe calls for semi-sweet chocolate chips, don't substitute milk chocolate. Go for the more chocolate-y option. That sounds funny coming from me, I know, but I do like a good chocolate chip cookie. Sometimes with oats.


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