cool jerk

I know I haven't blogged dinner much lately but I had to mention this: Jerk Turkey Sandwich with Pineapple Slaw. I honestly thought I'd never get to try jerk seasoning again in this house because of these burgers not going over well with one member of the household *cough*mom*cough* but the coleslaw topping swayed me. I made one tiny change, swapping mandarin orange slices for the regular orange for acid issues but I don't think it made a drastic difference to the recipe. The coleslaw still what it was supposed to do, which was to balance out the spicy kick of jerk seasoning. I actually could've used more seasoning than the small amount I chose to use out of fear...or respect...or courtesy, whatever. At the very least, make sure you season both sides.

I had leftovers for lunch the next day. Still good cold!


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