review: *new* Honey Bunches of Oats -- Whole Grain Almond

The website says "Almond"; the box says "Almond Crunch." Does that make it more appealing? I don't know. All I ask is that if "Crunch" is in the name, some part of that cereal had better crunch.

This was one of those cereals I found unintentionally; I was looking for Fruit Blends but they've all been discontinued. Oh, well, it's not like I don't top my cereal with fruit anyway. So I picked up this Almond Crunch mostly because the box said "New!" but also because of the almonds. I've never had the regular Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds but I imagine the flavor is not that different. I definitely picked up hints of honey and cinnamon, and there's also almonds mixed in with the flakes (but not part of the Bunches). I guess this line is catching on for Post; hopefully the next step is a Whole Grain with fruit variety.


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