we interrupt this summer to bring you a cookie bulletin...

These cookies. I can't even. Just...wow. Okay, let me find the words.

I know I shouldn't be getting bent out of shape over a cookie recipe. In the grander scheme of things, it's just cookies. And I also don't want to oversell it. But these Chewy Molasses Cookies? Need to be made ASAP.

What makes them so great? Well, the recipe (my copy, anyway; not the link for some reason) says they're a grown up take on molasses cookies. As soon as I bit into one I thought, I get it. It's like biting into a little ginger-molasses pillow. Soft, chewy, not overcooked (seriously, don't burn these). And the cardamom's the kicker. I didn't know this spice was missing from my baking life. The complexity of the spices all mingling together elevates this from ordinary molasses cookie. On the other hand, you might find them kind of rich, so you might want to freeze some for later.

I almost want to double the size and stick ice cream between two cookies. Maybe a nice cherry vanilla. Or that orange sherbet-vanilla swirl.

In cereal news, I finally found some Pumpkin Spice Mini-Wheats today. They sold out at the grocery store before I had a chance to get them but today I just happened to find them at Target. And not on any display shelf, either; just mixed in with the rest of the Mini-Wheats. There were only three boxes left. Must be a big seller.


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