quick flavor profiles

1. Thomas' claims to have a new recipe for their Swirl breads but to be honest, I don't remember what the old one tasted like. This new one has a deeper cinnamon flavor, not unlike Nature's Own raisin bread. Also there might be more of a swirl...? That would also explain the stronger cinnamon in the mix.

2. And speaking of cinnamon swirls, I couldn't help myself. I had to try Giant's pumpkin cinnamon rolls. I know, I know, canned cinnamon rolls? When you have so many recipes? But it's pumpkin! I justified to myself. Also it was a fat canister with five rolls so they weren't going to go to waste.

The roll itself had a stronger pumpkin scent in the oven than actual taste. The icing had all the pumpkin flavor, like a melted-down slice of pumpkin pie. And for an icing, it wasn't all that sweet. There must have been a lot of nutmeg involved. So it was worth trying.


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