review: Shredded Wheat -- wheat'n bran

Cerealfyre, you're getting so old and boring! Well, one of those, anyway. I'm waiting for my siblings to visit and make fun of me because this box is huge. I really thought all Shredded Wheats were the same size until I went to put this one away and realized it dwarfed all my other boxes.

This must've been the original spoon-size variety; I imagine at some point someone eating this said to themselves, "You know what this needs? Flavor!" and then came up with the other varieties. Because this has nothing. It's just wheat and bran in a dense little square. I didn't notice this the first time I ate it because I mixed it with Mini-Wheats and topped it with berries, as I usually do. So that's the key: add fruit for flavor if you don't want a bowl of dry boring-ness. I will say that it does what a bran cereal's supposed to do. And I'll leave it at that.


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