review: *new* Honey Bunches of Oats -- Almond Crunch Os

Last month I tried the Honey Crunch flavor, so now I bring you the Almond Crunch O's. Well, not literally. But anyway, what was most notable for me was the lack of almonds. At first I thought, maybe it's like Honey Nut Cheerios where the nut flavor is in the O's--but that's not the case. Then I checked the picture on the front of the box: there's supposed to be almond slices. Finally, right before started typing this I remembered that I did see a few almonds two days ago; that wasn't a review bowl so I didn't make a note of it. I'm sure the almonds are all in the bottom of the box and I'll be pouring Almond Almond Almonds on top of something else.

I should also note a surprisingly strong cinnamon flavor in the oat clusters. Always a plus.


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