blink and you'll miss it

Not the snow. No, I think nearly a foot and a half of snow is hard to miss. 😛 But the sun's taking care of it. Come on, already, Spring!

So actually I was referring to this Chocolate Banana Bread. I told you I was on a chocolate kick, and I'm still not sure why. I did worry, though, that this would be too chocolatey. Especially since I still haven't figured out the trick to splitting up batter and made too much of it chocolate-flavored. Also, it was getting really browned toward the end of the bake time so I took it out too early and had some chocolate goo at the bottom. Now you might like chocolate goo, but next time I'll just turn the temperature down and let the bread bake the whole way.

I gave half the loaf away and only had the opportunity to eat one slice. I think, subconsciously, I didn't think I would like it so I didn't stake my claim to any more of it. But it wasn't bad. Maybe could've used more banana. I guess I like my banana bread a little more spiced.


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