Week 4, I can give you more

Surely you didn't think I'd get through this list without dropping an NKOTB reference, did you? Although I'll be honest, back in the late '80s I was a kid and didn't get what all the fuss was about boys. It was just the popular music of the time to me.

So anyway, breakfast:
  1. Monday: I used the leftover skillet apple from the Peanut Butter Toast to make Apple Pie Overnight Oats (yeah, so going in order isn't going to happen after all). I have a feeling that made it even more delicious than it would've been otherwise. Leftovers! 🎉
  2. Tuesday: I finally had a day to make Freezer Breakfast Sandwiches. I've actually wanted to try this for a while. And since I wanted one on Tuesday, I actually ate an unfrozen breakfast sandwich. I would imagine the reheated ones had lots of melty-cheese goodness, though.
  3. Wednesday: Leftover Banana Oatmeal Cups (see last week's entry). I found that after reheating them they got a bit crumbly with a fork and would work better eaten by hand.
  4. Thursday: I started with a basic Waffle PB&J--just Google it, they're everywhere--and made a few changes: 1. Almond butter, which I've found is super-tasty when it gets warmed and gooey; and 2. I added blueberries on top of my fruit spread. Make sure you mash them well or you'll learn (or in my case, re-learn) that whole hot blueberries are tiny burning bombs in your mouth.
  5. Friday: I made this Breakfast Egg Scramble but my version of the recipe (that I cut out of some magazine ages ago) called for some other cheese, not brie. I used mozzarella because that was what I had. I've had spinach in omelets before but this was the first time I scrambled it in eggs.
  6. Saturday: This Tropical Getaway Smoothie was soooo good. I forgot to buy a lime but honestly, I didn't miss it. I had to make some liquid adjustments because I had a whole banana, but really, it's all about the mango-pineapple combination. I'll be looking to put that together in other dishes.


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