review: *new*(-ish) Girl Scouts Caramel Crunch

For the last couple of years I've bought a box of Do-Si-Dos (Peanut Butter Patties) as my post-Lent reward but, you know, this year I didn't see a single booth anywhere! I guess all the scouts around here were just selling online. As a former Girl Scout myself, I can speak to the benefits of learning to do face-to-face sales. Having to put yourself out there, be polite, manage money...all great skills to have.

But anyway, this year I had to be satisfied with this new Caramel Crunch cereal, inspired by Samoas. When I was a kid this was my favorite GS cookie (followed by Tagalongs), so my standards may have been a bit on the high side. It had a strong scent of caramel and tasted like caramel dusted with cocoa powder. Unfortunately it had that texture that drives me crazy, sort of gritty and crispy, although the aftertaste didn't hit me until after adding milk. Even then it was only a few bites. This one will require more tasting. I like to get own second opinion.

I can say for sure, though, if they'd found a way to work in some coconut that would've helped.


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