Lent Challenge 2017: wrap-up & what I learned

I did it; it's done.

I went how long without cereal? Six weeks? (Basically; for organizational purposes my weeks are "off" here.) But yeah, here's how it ended:
  1. Monday: Blueberry Pie Oatmeal. I'm glad this was the last week of Lent because it's getting a bit too warm for my hot cereal tolerance. This oatmeal, though--totally worth taking a few extra minutes to cook down some blueberries.
  2. Tuesday: Peanut Butter, Oat, and Banana Smoothie. Like I said before, I'll be taking a break from peanut butter for the rest of the month. This was a delicious smoothie, though. I went ahead and used a whole banana (for one serving).
  3. Wednesday: I decided to try these Feta Eggs because I had a little bit of feta that I didn't want to waste. I'd never had tomatoes in scrambled eggs before--but maybe a couple of times in restaurant omelets--so I must say I was surprised by the sweetness. Maybe more feta would've balanced that out. It wasn't bad, though. Maybe next time I'll try a spinach and tomato or avocado and tomato option.
  4. Thursday: And finally, Peanut Butter Cookie Cream of Wheat. I can have peanut butter cookies for breakfast? Yes, please! It's super-easy to stir in some peanut butter and brown sugar at the end of your Cream of Wheat cook time. One note: the peanut butter will make it extra thick. If you like creamier Cream of Wheat make sure you have enough milk on hand.
And that's it. This morning, though, I had to finish my last Banana Oat Cups. I didn't want them to languish in the freezer while I enjoyed my cereal. So what did I learn? With careful planning, I can manage. I think I already knew this with regard to other areas but not breakfast. And I as find every year, I can make subtle changes to my meals. And of course, absence makes the heart grow fonder. While it's great to try new things, I'll never love any breakfast option as much as I do cereal. I mean, it's in the blog title. That's not changing.

Tomorrow I'll have the same thing I had on my last cereal day: Cheerios with banana slices. And next week, it's back to reviews!


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