Week 5, I'm still alive

You didn't think I'd get through a list without a making a Pearl Jam reference--just kidding. I guess I'm upbeat because there's only two weeks to go. It has been getting easier, though.

  1. Monday: more leftover oatmeal cups. These have really come in handy.
  2. Tuesday: I started with this recipe for yogurt and blueberry parfaits but then decided defrosting my blueberries in the microwave would have to do. I made these cranberry granola bars for my sister and crumbled one over my parfait. It was basically the same amount I would've used of regular granola. Also, they're quite good.
    See? Sort of. I keep forgetting not to take pictures on foil.
  3. Wednesday: Cinnamon Toast PB&J. When all this is over, I don't think I'm going to touch peanut butter for a month. That being said, this was a nice treat. I haven't had cinnamon toast in the oven since I was a kid. Whenever we had a family hot cereal day my mom would always make cinnamon toast go with it. Of course I had to add some berries to this one, though.
  4. Thursday: Cream of Wheat.
  5. Friday: traveling, so instant oatmeal in the car.
  6. Saturday: still traveling, so I bought yogurt and blueberries to go with the half of a banana I already had. I think I liked that better than strawberries and banana slices. Also, I had another granola bar.
If I have another entry this week, it'll be from messing with the blog again. Otherwise this looks to be a busy week.


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