occasional granola review: *new* Cascadian Farm -- Lemon Blueberry

A few weeks ago I reviewed the new Strawberry Granola, so now it's time for the other new flavor, Lemon Blueberry (...with pumpkin seeds). I don't know why they're not mentioned in the name; coincidentally, they weren't present in my sample, either. To be fair, I just poured a little off the top; I know the pumpkin seeds are in there somewhere. On the plus side, I had a lot of dried blueberries. And it's tricky to put my finger on the lemon flavor. It's sweet but it's...tart (not like SweeTarts, though. That would be gross). Perhaps they made lemon sugar? Okay, checking the ingredients...no. There's cane sugar and honey and lemon oil. I have no idea how straight lemon oil would taste. Now I'm curious. 

It's a good flavor, though. More than palatable. Way more.

And in the interest of equal granola time, here's the last one that I made: Orange and Almond Granola. Making orange (zest-infused) sugar was a new experience for me.


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