review: *new* Cinnabunnies

I can be easily amused. Like when the honey bear gets to be about two-thirds empty, so it just looks like a plastic bear wearing honey pants. Or whenever I see a NAPA truck on the street, riding around. Silly truck! Trucks don't need hats. Or the Pillsbury Doughboy. I shouldn't need to explain that one.

That's one of the main reasons I wanted to try this new cereal from Annie's. Cinnabunnies. Just try to say it without giggling. Cinnabunnies. Of course the other reason was the promise of cinnamon. You know how I love my cinnamon cereals. This one, though, felt a bit...lacking. Maybe the bunny-shaped puffs were too puffy. Maybe the combination of sorghum and rice didn't do it for me. Or maybe the amount of cinnamon just wasn't enough. Somewhere between this underwhelming flavor and the thick, smothering blanket of Cinnamon Toast Crunch Blasted Shreds is the cinnamon sweet spot. My cinnamon happy place. But still, it's not bad. And I'm going to say it one more time: Cinnabunnies.😝


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