(slightly) before the Fall

Who, me? I swear I'm not trying rush into Fall. I'm still wearing shorts some days. And I haven't started on the hot cereal yet. Okay, maybe I already opened my box of pumpkin spice Special K, but that was because I ran out of Special K. And maybe I've already started looking for more herbal teas in anticipation of biscotti season. And, yeah, I did make these Peanut Butter and Banana Biscotti last weekend but my mom was sick and I wanted to do something nice for her. By the way, there's just enough peanut butter and banana flavors in these biscotti. Neither one is overpowering; it's a nice, subtle balance of both. You don't even really need the glaze, but, you know, peanut butter.😍

And maybe it was one weekend too soon for Apple Cinnamon Pancakes, but I did it anyway. 😜 They were surprisingly thin--I guess I thought all that baking powder would make them a little more puffy--so I ate more than I thought I would (and still have so much left). Also I could've used a bigger apple.

But this is just the start of the season. I finally picked up some Pumpkin Spice Cheerios today so I'm done collecting the pumpkin cereals. Next week I'll crack open (so to speak) my first can of pumpkin. I'm so glad I chose to skip all those pumpkin products last year. I didn't realize I needed that much of a palate cleanser.


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