review: *new*(-ish) Frosted Shredded Wheat -- strawberry

I think I've had this over a month and am just now getting around to opening it. I could have waited. Overall impression: disappointing. Or if I hadn't gone into it with any expectations: underwhelming.

I was hoping it would be like Wheat N' Bran, meaning a flatter, tightly-packed woven wheat, but with flavor. In actuality, it's an unstuffed version of the Frosted Shredded Wheat(s) that came out in 2017. And without that filled element, it's pretty...unspectacular. If you want a strawberry frosted wheat cereal, you're better off with Frosted Mini-Wheats Strawberry.

Or, if you want a frosted shredded wheat like what I wanted above, Trader Joe's makes one in original frosted. I don't know if it comes in strawberry. You could always just add your own strawberries. Ta-da.🎉


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