how to use an entire box of Grape Nuts

Anybody else hunkered down, waiting for this latest snow dump? Hopefully it's the last one. 👎

And now something more 👍: remember the coffee cake  I made back in January? I needed only a little bit of Grape Nuts for the streusel, which left me with nearly an entire box of Grape Nuts. They may be small but those boxes contain a lot of those little wheat nuggets. What to do? Obviously I went to the Post website and looked up all of their Grape Nuts recipes.  Here's what I made:

  1. Mini-Frittatas. It says "Kale and Mozzarella" but I used spinach and cheddar because that's what I had. The cereal makes them more filling than your typical mini-frittata.
  2. Sweet Potato Chocolate Chip Cookies. This is the only recipe I made where you don't notice the Grape-Nuts at all. Also I may have had too much sweet potato. It would have been nice if the recipe had a more specific measurement.
  3. Banana Crunch Muffins. You can guess where the "crunch" comes in. I suggest forgoing paper liners and just spraying your muffin tin instead. These muffins don't have any butter or oil, so they really, really stuck to the paper.
  4. Peanut Butter English Muffin. I eat this PB/banana/English muffin combo anyway, so why not throw in some Grape Nuts and raisins?
  5. Cereal-Oatmeal Raisin Cookies. They're more of a crispy, not thick and chewy cookie. The bits of cereal make you think you're biting into little sugar nuggets, but that sugar's actually from the cookie dough.
  6. Finally, Whole-Wheat Grape Nuts Waffles with Pear-Raisin Compote. I don't think my family is big on compote, but this recipe was my favorite. The waffles were substantial but not too heavy, and the compote was a nice flavor change-up for me. 😋 I plan on finishing up the compote on some hot cereal this week.
I'm so ready for this snow to be over. Whenever you're ready, Spring... 


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