adventures in acorn squash-ing

Maybe one adventure. Or one and a half.

Anyway, it all started back in February when I bought one too many acorn squash. I baked one half for a yogurt bowl (which was delicious and I really should go back and find/link to it) but didn't know what to do with the other half. Then, for some reason, I thought I'll just puree it and figure it out later. I should point out here that I've never pureed a squash before; I just figured I could do it. And thanks to this handy blog post I was able to do so. Not gonna lie, it's kind of tedious. You have to have the time to do it and also want to do it.

And yes, if like me, you only have a blender, this process still works. I did add a little bit of water just to be on the safe side--it would be strained out later anyway.

How do I know I successfully pureed? Because yesterday I thawed it and made this Roasted Acorn Squash Bread. Do not be deceived. It may look small but it's filling--I'm guessing from all of that good squash fiber. It was a little clove-heavy--not a complaint, just an observation. And it's super, super moist. And without any butter or oil! 😲  Totally worth the effort.


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