review: Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros

I know I've slowed down as of late, for two reasons: shelf space and finding something I want to try. And the two are related because it's getting harder to find regular sized boxes of cereal. Everything is "Large Size" or "Family Size" and I can't stash boxes away like I used to do. Plus I don't want to make a commitment to a large box of something and then not like it and be stuck with it. So taking all that into consideration, that's why it's taken me a year to try Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros. 😁

I finally found a regular-sized box on sale at Wegmans, so it was time. I don't know why I thought I wouldn't like this. I mean really wouldn't like this. What's so terrible about original Cinnamon Toast Crunch? That's basically all this is, shaped like a tiny, 1-inch churro. So every couple of years Cinnamon Toast Crunch could just come out with another wacky shape, like Cinnamon Roll Crunch (seriously, they should do this) or Cinnamon Star Crunch (did it already) and call it a day if they aren't going to add anything noteworthy.

You know what? I've never reviewed the original. I should do that.


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