review: *limited edition* Golden Grahams Retro Recipe

 I don't know why it's taken me so long to post this; I'm pretty sure I wrote my notes two weeks ago. It's the busy season, I guess.

So let me just get right to it: that brown sugar-toasty flavor? That is absolutely Golden Grahams. Why did they ever change it? What did they change it to? Hold on, let me see if I reviewed it. Oh, I did. And apparently I couldn't taste the difference. And even now? Still can't taste the difference.

But did it conjure up memories of the '80s? When I picture myself at the kitchen table on a Saturday morning, shoveling cereal into my mouth so I can go watch Garfield and Friends, that cereal...isn't Golden Grahams. It's Alpha-Bits. Or Ice Cream Cones. But I know Golden Grahams was part of our regular rotation, along with Apple Jacks, Frosted Flakes, and whatever TV tie-ins we could convince our mom to buy.

So I guess what I'm saying is, it's hard to screw up Golden Grahams. Golden Grahams are a constant. Golden Grahams will be there when you want them. 

Unlike Honeycomb. 😛


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