review: *revamped* Honeycomb

It's been a while, hasn't it? I have to keep kicking the guilt every time I feel I could be doing something more important. Well, blogging is important to me, right?

But back to the cereal. 🎉

I haven't had Honeycomb in years because they changed the flavor a while back. (You can read my disappointment here and here.) So when I found out Post had "improved" the recipe, I figured now was as good a time as any to try it. The first thing I noticed was the new look. Underneath it's the same shape and texture but Honeycomb now has a shiny layer spackled over it. My first thought was, this looks like buttered popcorn. My second thought was, no, like Corn Pops. Which was exactly what my brother said: "They made Honeycomb like Corn Pops." That's not how I would've gone about improving it, but okay.

As for the flavor, I wouldn't exactly call it an improvement. If anything, it's more generic. Like they should've changed the name to Yeah, I Guess That's Honeycomb. 😕

And that is more than I intended to write. It's just one of those days.


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