review: Golden Grahams

Another one I can't believe I haven't reviewed yet. I've been eating Golden Grahams as far back as I can remember. At least since the late '80s, when I first had a say on what I wanted for breakfast. Does it taste the same? As far as my taste buds can tell. I don't remember such a slick coating, but then, why would I have paid attention to that as a kid?

The sweetness is also hard to describe. The ingredients list includes "brown sugar syrup," which is probably I couldn't quite put my finger on it. It wasn't honey and it wasn't straight sugar, either. It works with the graham pieces, though.

It does get soggy and chewy pretty fast, but that's part of the nostalgia factor for me. It wouldn't be right if Golden Grahams were suddenly extra crunchy. Also, the box had better not ever be any color other than yellow.


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