review: *new* Cheerios Oat Crunch -- Almond

 Finally! It may not have been my first choice, but I found something to review.

I mean, I did rave about the Oats N' Honey flavor (and kinda liked the Cinnamon) so I was going to get to this eventually. So first question: why Almond? I have no objection to almonds, just curious. Next, opening the bag. As you can see from the box, I had to get the "Large Size" (but it was reasonably priced). I looked inside the bag, and honestly, it was like half the contents were missing. I know, I know, contents may settle in shipping, blah blah blah, but it really did look like that cereal could've fit in a regular-sized box. 😄

Sniff test: maybe a little bit like Crunch N Munch, or what I remember Crunch N Munch tasted like back in the '90s. Oh, hey, that's what I said about Oats N' Honey. Well, even more so with this one. Pour: yep, there's the oat-coated Cheerios of various grains. Is one of them oat-on-oat? Hmmm...

Time to taste. Okay, maybe not that big clump. Must be extra sticky. And it tastes...sweet. And crunchy. And...ugh...what is this? The aftertaste, it's like burnt...I know this one...almond extract. It tastes like the whole bag was dunked in a vat of singed almond extract. Was not expecting that. I would've been happy with some almonds thrown into the Oats N' Honey. But to be fair, this tastes much better in milk. Any milk. I just wouldn't recommend eating it by the handful.


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