review: KIND cereal -- apple cinnamon

I waited a year to try this because I just couldn't justify the cost. This time last year weren't we all just trying to find bread/flour/toilet paper/hand sanitizer?

So this had better be worth it. Let's start with the sniff test: maybe a hint of cinnamon. Pour: oh, look, there's two different colored flakes. And dried apples, of course--skin on. Ooh, and pumpkin seeds. Taste: let's go with the darker flake first. Wow, this is dense. Thick. I hope I don't break a tooth. I will definitely be drowning this in milk alternative. As for the lighter flake, same texture, no flavor. I like that, though, half-flavored and half not. Oh, and obviously the flavor is cinnamon. I should've said that earlier. 😁

The dried apples have a nice, crisp bite. The pumpkin seeds are just pumpkin seeds, but a nice addition. I like cereals with multiple components. Speaking of which, the flakes themselves are made up of several grains: oats, sorghum, brown rice, red rice, quinoa. No wonder they were so dense and filling. I'm assuming that's also the main factor in determining the price. Not a gritty corn ball or thin wheat flake in sight.



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