review: *new* Apple Cinnamon Chex (2021 version)

 It's my first cereal reboot?

So the first question would be, how does it compare to the previous version? We're going to leave that for last; I'm not even going to peek at my review.

First of all, I had a hard time finding this. Lots of empty shelves anticipating a new Chex, but no new Chex. I don't know if there was some Chrissy Teigen controversy-hesitancy going on there but I finally found it last week at Target. So let's review.

A peek inside the bag reveals half flavored Chex, and half not. It looks like a very light dusting of cinnamon. Interesting; they could've just some swiped some Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cinnadust.

Sniff test: ok, there's apple scent coming through more than cinnamon. Pour: is this corn-based? Nope, it's rice. Taste: yep, still more apple than cinnamon. It's like they figured out how to make apple sugar and then mixed it with the cinnamon.

And a small nitpick: some of these pieces look stretched out and rectangular, and like they had tiny holes punched in them. I don't remember Chex being assembled that way.

Now let's check out the old version: sounds like basically the same thing...? I swear this new one's more apple-y, though.


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