*review* KIND cereal -- honey almond

 I know it's been a minute, but I was waiting for a good day to try this. (And the picture is coming...)

I was expecting just flakes and almonds, so when I poured I actually thought to myself, ooh, coconut. Yes, it's right there on the box, but for some reason I was looking at the back of the box when I opened it. And it's a good thing they threw coconut in there because otherwise this cereal is nearly flavorless. Unlike the Apple Cinnamon variety, which tastes like, you know, apples and cinnamon, I'm just not picking up the honey here. Not even a subtle hint. All I'm getting is super-grainy flakes and coconut. Maybe if they'd just called it Coconut Almond, it wouldn't set one up for disappointment.

Still good for mixing, though!


Next up: a brand I've never tried before. Yes, those do exist. 😄


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