review: Good & Gather Cinnamon Squares

 Because I just couldn't bring myself to pay 4.79 for the Cinnamon Toast Crunch Rolls.

So this is Target's take on Cinnamon Toast Crunch (I was going to link to the original here but you know what? I've never reviewed it 😲). Just peeking inside the box, the cereal looks kind of pale, like it's heavy on the rice. Cinnamon Toast Crunch lists rice flour as an ingredient but I don't think I've ever really noticed it.

Sniff test: half cinnamon, half cardboard box. Upon closer visual inspection, these squared are bigger, puffier, and more curled than CTC. Time to taste: ok, it's definitely airier...and chewier. Like a Corn Pops-esque chew. There's a deeper cinnamon flavor, with less sugar, which is a plus in my book. Am I becoming a cinnamon snob? 😁😜

In summation, don't buy this expecting a cheaper Cinnamon Toast Crunch. It's clearly its own entity, which is a good thing.


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