review: *new* Honey Vanilla Cheerios

 Yeah, yeah, it's Honey Nut Cheerios with the "nut" missing. But wait, there's more!

I sampled this when it first came out but since it wasn't my box I wanted to wait and start fresh to review. So here we go: sniff test first. I guess that's supposed to be "vanilla" but it's reading more "marshmallow" to me. Taste: ok, you know what this flavor is? It's the powdery residue from Lucky Charms' marshmallows. Seriously, it's like they took the dusted oat cereal bits from a box of Lucky Charms, reshaped it into Os, and then coated it with the honey glaze from Honey Nut Cheerios.

Not quite as good as Honey Nut Cheerios but it did give my leftover milk a nice flavor.

P.S. I just read my old Honey Nut Cheerios review. Do you think General Mills actually listened to me? 😆😜


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