review: *new* Tres Leches Cinnamon Toast Crunch

 It seems I have a backlog of reviews. I don't think that's ever happened before...๐Ÿ˜„

So how is this any different from Dulce de Leche Toast Crunch? Besides dos mรกs leches? You know, I'm going to finish this review first and then go back and check. Sniff test: There's a dulling of the standard Cinnamon Toast Crunch cinnamon blend, but what from? Taste: Ok, something's that...caramel? Yeah, I think that's supposed to be a caramel flavor. I should point that I've never had dulce de leche or tres leches cake due to my lactose intolerance so I can only guess at the authenticity/accuracy of this flavor. It's sweet, but not particularly sugary or honeyed, so I have no idea how they arrived at this finished product. It's just ok for me, not my favorite take on Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

Oh wait, let me go back to my other review for a sec...ah, ok, Dulce de Leche was more cinnamon-forward, so I can see why they went back to the drawing board to try to top it.


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